Alice Giuditta
Feb 25, 2021


I was surprised by how many people do not, in fact, know what working is! When I was struggling with wanting to be independent and support myself, but not wanting to work for a company whose values and actions I didn't believe in, I had so many people tell me "Well, just work for them out of spite -- you take their money when they pay you, and you can spend it on something good!". You have no idea how many people's minds were blown when I explained that no, I would not be taking their money, I would be *making* them money. That's the whole problem, if I work somewhere I am necessarily increasing their bottom line, or they wouldn't bother to hire me. A lot of people just exist within these societal structures without actually understanding their role. Wild!



Alice Giuditta

Writer/copywriter. Master's student in Applied Neuroscience. Helping you bridge the gap between spirit and science to live a rich, meaningful life.